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Image-To-Text Automation | OCR Automation | Automation | API

Project description

Here is a Automation that reads and Separates Text from Images using Google Cloud Vision, and stores it in a Google Sheet. Here is how it works:


Our primary aim is to establish a automation system that autonomously generates Text files from Images.


I present an advanced automation scenario specifically tailored to read and analyze the content In your Images.

Key Features:

  • Automation: This integrates Google Sheets, Google Drive, Google Cloud Vision, and WordPress.

  • Google Sheets Automation: Here all the data is organized and

  • Chat GPT Automation: Our Automation integrates ChatGPT with Google Cloud Vision to Get the Text from the Image. The text is then run through ChatGPT. This process allows us to ask chat GPT to perform specific functions on the given Notes - Like generating unique questions and answers based on your notes.

  • Google Sheets Dashboard: It unlocks even more functionalities on the use of this automation. This can be Modified for each client or company.

The Advantages:

  • Near Perfect OCR: Using the latest Google Cloud Vision, this automation makes it possible to create great Text files

  • Accuracy and Dependability: Automation, combined with the structure of our ChatGPT 4 modules, minimizes AI inaccuracies. Since ChatGPT has been trained on reference material, there's a high degree of accuracy in OCR.

  • Organized Storage: Managing all the Data with Google Sheets makes it easier for you to reorganize and manipulate data.

  • Streamlined Data Accessibility: The integration of with Google Sheets offers easy access, analysis, and sharing of your notes and questions with peers.

Empowering Business Success: If your organization is in search of enhanced ChatGPT, Google Cloud Vision and Automation, I can serve as your technology implementation partner. Leveraging my expertise in automation and Integrations, I can create automation processes to simplify your operations.

Get in touch with us today, and let's explore how this innovative solution can revolutionize your approach to tasks.

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